Algebra I
August, 2011
Dear Parent/Guardian:
My name is Lisa Hamilton and I will be teaching your child Algebra. I wanted to take a few minutes to inform you of what is expected of your child during the school year.
A copy of my class syllabus is attached. I have discussed this in detail with all of my classes. If you have any questions concerning the syllabus do not hesitate to contact me.
A graphing calculator will be issued to each student. These calculators are very expensive ranging from $85 to $100 a piece. Students are assigned calculators and when the school year is over they must return THEIR NUMBERED calculator. If not they will be placed on the encumbered list requiring them to pay for the calculator. Since the students are being provided a calculator it is their responsibility to get their own batteries. The lack of homework due to the absence of a calculator is not an excused assignment and will result in a zero.
Your child will also need a notebook that can be placed in a three-ring binder. The notebook will be checked periodically as a homework assignment. The lack of an organized math notebook will result in a zero and will continue to be a zero until such notebook is obtained.
Attached hereto is a copy of the Algebra Standards of Learning that we will be covering. These SOLs are mandated by the State and, therefore, critical to your student graduating from Bath County High School. Attendance is a vital component for your child’s success in Algebra.
I look forward to teaching your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school via telephone or email.
Lisa Hamilton
A = 94 – 100 Classwork/Homework…25%
B = 86 – 93 Quizzes………………...30%
C = 78 – 85 Tests……………………30%
D = 70 – 77 9 weeks SOL tests……...15%
F = 69 and below
1. Always be respectful to all.
2. Always be prepared (text, notebook, pencil).
(if you have to return to your locker after the tardy bell you will be charged one
unexcused tardy.)
3. Always listen and follow all directions.
4. Always work for success.
1. Teacher conference with student and/or immediate removal from class.
2. Written referral to administration.
3. Teacher conference with parent.
*This syllabus is subject to change and students will be notified of such changes. *
*All students will take the Virginia Algebra SOL test May, 2011.*
*Please see attached for a detailed explanation of SOL objectives.*
*homework/classwork = 25% of total grade
I give completion grades and accuracy grades for these types of assessments.
*quizzes = 30% of total grade
Quizzes will be announced, however, pop quizzes will be given when necessary.
There will also be notebook check quizzes. Students will be asked for answers
to selected questions from homework or classowrk assignments. Students may
use only their notebooks on these quizzers. They should have all the correct
answers written in their notebooks by either getting it right the first time OR by
writing the correct answer when reviewing the assignments. If the notebook is
organized the students should score well, however, if the notebooks are in chaos
then the students will fail the quiz. This type of quiz is used to promote
organization and responsibility. I also use these quizzes as a review for tests.
*tests = 30% of total grade
Tests will include chapter tests and specific SOL objective tests.
*9 weeks test = 15% of total grade
This is an SOL styled test and will be given at the end of each nine weeks.
They will be cumulative tests.